Thursday, January 30, 2020


 Tolerance ... the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.
  It seems to me as if we have lost the ability to live and let live. Maybe it is my age but I was taught to respect other people’s opinions. I didn’t have to agree, as long as no one was hurt, we could agree to disagree.The art of debate is lost. I see families, friends and America torn apart over lack of tolerance which saddens my heart. . Tolerance only works if it happens on both sides. What are we teaching our children that our opinions are the only ones that matter. There is no room for a difference of opinion.
    America was created on different opinions... it is what makes America so special. What other Countries and People envy and  come here for freedom of thought. Different opinions are part of the American fabric , we are free to have our own opinions Without tolerance what would make us different from any other Country. I have no clue  how to solve this but sometimes we need to see the problem in order to fix it. I pray for families, friends and America that we can learn how to tolerate each other and embrace our differences enough to live and let live once again...
        Wishing you and the World  peace,love,light, health, happiness ,healing and tolerance...💗